Friday, March 5, 2010

Prayers please...

A local deputy with the Ouachita Parish Sheriff's Office was shot in the line of duty last night (3-4-10). He is in VERY critical condition last I heard. Deputy J.R. Searcy and his family need everyone's prayers. J.R. is married and has 3 children who are all going through the most difficult time in their lives. I do not know them personally but my heart bleeds for them and I cannot imagine what they are going through at this very moment.

My husband is a police officer and every time he goes to work I worry. I worry if he's going to make it home at the end of the shift...I worry about what he will have to deal with that night...all sorts of thoughts go through my mind. For those of you that have husbands, fathers, brothers, mothers, sisters, etc. in law enforcement know what I'm talking about. I happen to have a husband & father in this line of work.

Everyone reading this please pray for Deputy Searcy, his wife and kids, all the OPSO deputies and all law enforcement everywhere. We sometimes forget how dangerous their job is. I get so angry when I hear people talking about how they write tickets to earn the city/parish money or how their egos are so big because of the "power". People with these types of opinions should keep their mouth shut until they go to work and risk their life everyday. Men & women in law enforcement do this every single time they put that uniform on.

Deputy Searcy---you are a hero in so many people's eyes. Thinking and praying for you and your family every minute.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Due Date

So today was my due date. But, as everyone knows, Dayton was born 10 weeks early. I am so thankful for the doctors and nurses in the NICU at St. Francis for taking such wonderful care of him. Dr. De Soler is amazing and there are just too many great nurses to even name.

Dayton now weighs 8lbs!! Wonder if that's any indication of what he would've weighed had he gone full-term. If so, I don't think I could've handled something his size coming out of me!! I was able to have a natural childbirth & skip the epidural but if he would've been a full-term baby I don't think I could have! I would've definately wanted that epidural.

Since Dayton's birthday is on Christmas Eve, we want to celebrate on another day so he doesn't get overlooked. We thought March 3 since that was his due date. Then we thought June 3 since that will be in the summer & 6-months after his real birthday. We have a swimming pool so some pool parties would be nice! What do y'all think??

Yesterday we FINALLY took some family pictures of all 3 of us. Why it took us this long I have no idea. Chuck & I rarely went to the hospital at the same time...or I wouldn't be decent enough to take a picture.

Lastly, I want to thank my husband for giving me such an amazing gift. Dayton is the best thing we could ever hope for and dream of. He's completely changed out lives & captured our hearts like you wouldn't believe. So...Thank you Chuck for giving me a teeny tiny spitting image of yourself!