Wednesday, February 24, 2010

OMG...2 months old!

My sweet baby boy is 2 months old today. I just can't believe how fast time has gone by. The 5.5 weeks in NICU were sooo sllooowwww while it was happening but it seems like last week that Dayton was born. & this may be TMI but the poor lil guy had to have his circumsision today :( He wasn't able to have it in the NICU because his white blood cell count was too low. Doctor said he did well but I feel so guilty. Maybe it won't hurt him as bad as I think it will.

On another note, my background is in honor of the upcoming St. Patrick's Day & my birthday! yay! (yes, I mean my birthday is on St. Patty's Day--March 17). It will be my first birthday as a wife and as a mother. I sure hope Chuck gets me something DVR!! We are waayy behind the times in that respect. We have every channel channels, HD channels, & whatever else you can think of...but no DVR!

Munchkin Market is tonight & I'm pretty excited! I hope Dayton is feeling & doing well enough that I can leave him for a bit...his dad will babysit. Although, is it really babysitting if it's your own child? That's all for now.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pictures of Dayton

I've set up a site that I upload photos of Dayton to. I do better with this site than on facebook or this blog! You can see how much he's changed...& how much weight he's gained...& how chubby he's getting! I can't believe how chunky his legs & arms are now. I remember when they were as thick as my thumb! Amazing!

Dayton looks like his dad...nothing like me. The hair, the hairline, the nose, the lips, everything is Chuck! I was only the vessel. Maybe he'll have my height. :)

Hope this link works...first time posting one in a blog. (I just copied & pasted..didn't use the link button?!?!)

Monday, February 22, 2010

New To This

Well...some facebook friends convinced me to start a blog. Now I have to figure out things to write about....

I'll start with the most 2-month old son Dayton! He was born December 24, 2009 & was 10 weeks early. He weighed 3lbs 8oz & was 17 inches long. He did unbelievably well & is definately a strong lil guy!! He spend 5.5 weeks in the NICU at St. Francis hospital. It was the hardest, most trying time I've ever faced...for me, my husband, my entire family. Dayton came home after 40 days in the NICU weighing 5lbs 10oz. He has continued to improve everyday & we are just thrilled beyond words that he's finally home. Our lives have changed so much & I could've never imagined how happy & complete Dayton has made me feel. Such a tiny guy creates very BIG feelings!

That's it for now I think. Hopefully I'll update regularly. Thanks for reading!

THEN: 12-25-09

NOW: 2-14-10